
SGR Reviews – The Cruel King and the Great Hero

Lovely fairytale


The Cruel King and the Great Hero is a game that transports us to a magical world of fantastic creatures and epic adventures. This title comes to us from the famous NIS America, creator of spectacular sagas such as Disgaea, The Legend Of Heroes or even Danganronpa. In this title we take on the role of a human child named Yuu who was adopted by an evil dragon that ruled the kingdom where this whole story unfolds. After our character hears the story of his father’s magnificent deeds, in which the dragon tells that instead of killing him, Yuu’s father just cut off one of his horns and leaves the little human in his care, he then decides to start his adventure in order to become the next heroine, following in the footsteps of this unsung hero.

The Cruel King and the Great Hero

We start with a very simple but very explanatory tutorial, where we’ll learn how to carry out different actions and where the game itself tells us how we can use the different menus and options. that it contains. Since we’re talking about gameplay, I can’t help but say that it reminds us a little of the gameplay of well-known RPGs such as the Final Fantasy saga – in this case, maybe the older games – because it all revolves around turn-based combats with a or more enemy where at the beginning of each turn we choose the action that our character will take. Everything in terms of gameplay is typical of an adventure game with RPG overtones, where the only negative aspect is the fact that the combats become repetitive.

The Cruel King and the Great Hero | NIS America, Inc.

The entire game is presented as if it were a fairy tale, including page turning animations and all. All the graphics in this game use that same concept in a very good way, as the player is presented with a whole range of creatures and environments as if they were taken from a children’s story – so don’t expect very realistic or exuberant graphics – we can count on environments in various shades of pastels, greens, browns and yellows, and simple designs – even a little childish, keeping the same theme – which makes this whole environment a very illustrative world.


And as games aren’t just made of images and colors, it’s worth highlighting the whole soundtrack of tones inserted in this game. Well, once again these also don’t run away from the fairy tale theme, and we can even say that they fit like a glove. In this case, its entire auditory environment is built by various soft melodies and even something childish that adds a sound body to this title and that, as a whole, involves the player in this whole plot in a fantasy world from which it is difficult to leave.


In conclusion, The Cruel King and the Great Hero presents itself as a beautiful and melodious title that transports the player to a world of fairies, magic and fun in which we will find several hours of fun.


Review code kindly provided by NIS America

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